Above, left to right: Giga Whip, Paragon Sickle, Dragon Armor, Dragon’s Amulet

The next update, to be released today in the Japanese version, features Scythes, Whips, Silver Halberds and Rapiers, and various other goodies. Also implemented will be the AFK feature, which allows for you to go into AFK mode. However, these items will not be able to be obtained until the release of Tower 8, which should be soon.

Click here to see the full update.

Above: A few cards from the SAPPHIRE set.

Today, ARTIFACT announced the release of two new sets. The two previously released sets, DIAMOND and SAPPHIRE, were big hits. Soon, two new sets featuring the EMERALD and RUBY elements will be released. These sets will feature the elements of nature and fire, respectively, and will possibly contain weapons, shields, rings, and even a special inventory artifact granting three emerald and ruby charges.

As of right now, it is unclear whether or not these artifacts will be released in the United States. It is, however, unlikely that methods identical to those of Japan’s distribution will be used because of the high price of printing and packaging cards. Perhaps an online purchase system will be used?



Q: Can I own my own ship in OceanBook?
A: Yup!

Q: Can I name it?
A: You can name it whatever you want!

Q: Do I need gold and other materials to make a ship?
A: You need gold and some materials to make a ship, but you don’t need anything to ride a ship.

Q: Will there be other uses for saltpeter and gunpowder?
A: There will be other uses for these things in OceanBook.

Q: Is there going to be a larger chat window?
A: We will consider, but this is of low priority.

Q: Are there any plans for male clothes in the June Bridal Event?
A: Yes! We will have male clothing.

Q: If I’m in a group, are the chances of finding gems different?
A: It is the same as if you do it yourself.

Major Feature Update


A major feature update will be taking place soon! This includes all of the following:

  • Upgrades of all weapons, up to the Paragon level. This includes High, Zoa, Giga, and Holy weapons as well.
  • Friend list updgrade. You will now be able to add any player by his or her name, and have up to 100 friends. Also, you will be able to see *which* game they are in as well. This will be useful once multiple games are released.
  • Background music can be turned on or off now. This does not include overall sound, which can already be turned off by the upper right-hand corner button.

Click here to see more images and a translated version of the updates to come. There is no word yet as to when this will be implemented in the English version, but you can bet that it will be soon (possibly next week)!

Q: Are there any plans to upgrade the friends list?
A: Yes! The friends list is going to be upgraded to 100 people.

Q: What about Zoa or Giga Rapiers? Are those going to be obtainable? And what about Halberds?
A: Those will be coming out shortly! We will release them as soon as next week!

Above: Zoa and Giga Rapiers. Below: Zoa and Giga Halberds.

Q: When is tower 8 coming out?
A: Very, very soon! Just wait a little longer!

Q: Can I build a house in OceanBook?
A: We are planning on having houses in OceanBook!

Q: Are there any plans for changes in sound?
A: We are planning an option to turn off music instead of all sound.

Q: Will my dice transfer to OceanBook?
A: Dice will not be used in OceanBook, so they will not be transferred.


Q: What is next week’s pet going to be?
A: A boar!

Q: Is this boar going to be expensive?
A: The boar will cost 26G and last 30 days.

Q: How many dice will the Boar have?
A: The boar should have about 3 dice (something between horse and cat/dog).

Pet Campaign Update


Just to update you (and others) – this week is “Golden Week” in Japan which is a national holiday week. So, as far as coordinating the “Pet Exchange”, we are looking at possibly this Friday. Please stay tuned — I’ll post something again this Thursday either here or the PG Forum!


Artifact is adding an AFK (Away From Keyboard) feature to the game! They’re debating what it should look like. They’re asking for feedback from the Japanese community. Here are two entries they came up with:

1) A “coffee cup icon” is displayed overhead.

2) A head-down gesture will be added.

Which do you like more?

Earlier today, a new pet was added as part of a Japanese Pet Replacement Campaign. For the next ten weeks, they will remove one pet and add one pet. This week’s pet added was the white cat. This week’s removed pet was the black horse. You can take a peek at the white cat in action here. It’s unclear as to whether or not the English version will receive these changes right away. Since the emphasis of the campaign is to encourage players to buy gold to acquire pets, it would seem a waste to update our current variety with such a small community.

I will try to communicate with the administrators of the English version to see what they are planning.

Update: News from BoomDizzle! Each English version update will take place approximately one week after the Japanese version. That means around next Wednesday, we will be removing the black horse and implementing the white cat!

I heard from Sorepo today that there was a trade system in the Japanese version about a year ago. However, it was dismissed soon after it came out; people began trading more, and buying less gold to use in the marketplace. It’s unfortunate, since players have no way of gifting items anymore. Perhaps the developers of the English version will try to implement a change to allow a mailing/gifting/package system. That would make this game the best.

On another note, the artifact blog released some new information about T8. Apparently, there will be two bosses and two goals, along with many new elements! Gauntlets(as well as element-specific magic) will have more of an effect on gameplay. Artifact claims that T8 will be out very soon! It should be fun!

Welcome to the Puppet Times. This blog is operated by Lineage of the English version of Puppet Guardian. This blog is in no way affiliated with Artifact Co.,Ltd. or Policros LLC.